The Camp Nurse will be responsible to, and work with the Camp Director.  The Camp Nurse will be responsible for the camp First Aid Office and its use. The Camp Nurse will be at least of college age, a Christian, and willing to participate fully in the camping program

The responsibilities of the Camp Nurse will include:

1. Collecting and recording all medications at registration.

2. Dispensing all medications for all campers and staff as needed.

3. Being in charge of medical supplies and equipment / keeping them secured in the First Aid Office.

4. Preparing and operating the camp infirmary as a quiet place where campers may be placed temporarily.

5. Arranging for delivery of a meal tray to infirmary patients.

6. Providing an evaluation and/or treatment of any physical complaint or injury.

7. Keeping records of any and all treatments given each day.

8. Developing a well planned pattern for handling serious emergencies, knowing transportation to use, phone locations and numbers, etc.

9. Available throughout the day and present at large group activities.

10. Following up on campers who have needed medical attention.

11. Participating in the total camping program, i.e. eating meals with cabin groups, jumping in on activities, being present throughout the day.

12. Assisting and working with other camp staff / Assisting the Camp Director